We are proud to announce that a team of five Naparima College students recently participated in the Arthur Lok Jack Business Tournament, a simulated business environment hosted on the CESIM platform from February to April. This tournament is designed to educate students across a plethora of topics, including: Business Management, Accounting and Strategy. The predominant aim of this tournament pertained to educating participants for their upcoming CSEC and CAPE exams in May.
Our team of students excelled in their division during the first half of the tournament, with the highest shareholder return and profit margins among all teams. We were all thrilled to hear that our students had advanced to the second round of the tournament, where the final winners were announced during a closing ceremony on the 14th of April at the Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business in Mt. Hope.
Needless to say, we are unequivocally elated to announce that our team has emerged victorious in the first ever Arthur Lok Jack Business Tournament, held between February to April. Our team, consisting of five members: Irshad Mohammed, Syed Ali, Vinay Ramoutar, Arin Roopnarine and Joshua Jitta, competed against 17 other schools in a simulation-based competition that required competitors to run a hotel on the CESIM platform. This tournament challenged students to apply the theoretical knowledge they learn in the classroom to real-world business administration and strategy scenarios.
As a team, they worked tirelessly to analyze market trends, devise marketing strategies, manage finances, and make critical business decisions. Our boys were constantly adapting and adjusting our approach to meet the changing needs of the market and the demands of the competition. It was not an easy feat, but with hard work, dedication, and teamwork, they were able to overcome all obstacles and emerge as champions., a true testament to the comradery and brotherhood Naparima College aims to instil in all its students.
The closing ceremony, held at Arthur Lok Jack, Mt. Hope on April 14, 2023, was a momentous occasion for our boys. Irshad Mohammed said, “We were honoured to receive accolades for our hard work and dedication. But more importantly, we had the opportunity to network and engage with the leadership of the UWI Arthur Lok Jack School of Business.” Beyond the shadow of a doubt, all participants were able to gain valuable insights into the world of business and learn from some of the most experienced and successful professionals in the field.
“We are grateful for the experience and the lessons learned from the Arthur Lok Jack Business Tournament 2023. We will carry these lessons with us as we embark on our professional journeys and continue to grow as leaders in the business world.” – Joint statement from team members Arin, Syed and Vinay.
In the words of the supporting teacher, Ms. Annaleah Doodnath, “Our business students have exceeded expectations and have made Naparima College proud. The winning team displayed immense dedication to the cause and learnt to work together cohesively to accomplish their goal. The input from each student added to the success of the team. I could not be more elated when observing their way of strategizing, collaborating and researching. They have motivated other students, enhanced the camaraderie among peers and sparked considerable interest in student participation.”

In the words of Joshua Jitta, “I believe tournaments like these are paramount in providing an open learning environment for students to apply the knowledge they retain from the classroom in innovative ways- a skill that is necessary for success in the world of business.”

TTT News Report on the closing ceremony: https://youtu.be/BGpO9NFH4PM
Tournament website: https://lokjackgsb.edu.tt/secondaryschoolcompetition/